Ms. Terrell
Pre-AP English 11
30 April 2010
The Great Ideas of Science
The book I read was Evolution, The Great Ideas of Science, by Paul Fleisher. This book explains a lot of different theories of evolution. The main theory they talked about in this book was Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Darwin studied thousands of different species, he showed that no two species are the exactly alike. He realized that over millions of years traits tend to change and adapt to the environment of the species. Each year genetic discoveries are made to give proof that Darwin's theory is true.
This book relates with my topic because evolution is my topic. Darwin's theory of evolution is on of the most famous of all evolution theories. This book had different theories of evolution, but the one that they talked about the most and the one that they made everyone believe is true, is Darwin's theory. This book really helped me out because it had so much information on evolution. Now I believe that that Darwin's theory is real because of all the details and all of the statistics that scientist show about his theory. Another thing that Darwin's theory tells us is that people and animals get more and more adapted to their environment more and more each day.
Then, when people or animals reproduce, there children are more adapted than they are. They get traits and genetics that help them survive and reproduce in their own envirement. He was also right when he said absolutely no two creatures are the same, in this entire world. Even twins are not excactly the same. Charles Darwin helped many scientist, the scientist were pretty much positive that species changed over time, they just didnt know how. But with Darwin's theory of evolution they can figure out how these species change with a long amount of time.
Fleisher, Paul. Evolution, Great Ideas of Science. Minneapolis, Minnisota: Twenty First Century Books, 2006. 81. Print.