Ms. Terrell
Period 1
14 May 2010
During this project I studied a couple of theories of evolution. There were a lot of theories; they are Darwin’s Theory which is the theory of natural selection and the most believable theory of all of them, Cosmic Evolution- The development of space, time, matter and energy from nothing. Stellar Evolution- The development of complex stars from the chaotic first elements. Chemical Evolution- The development of all chemical elements from an original two. Planetary Evolution- The development of planetary systems from swirling elements. Organic Evolution- The development of organic life from inorganic matter (a rock). Macro-Evolution- The development of one kind of life from a totally different kind of life. Micro-Evolution- The development of variations within the same kind of life. I still don’t believe in the big bang theory or any of the other theories like that. I believe that god made this earth and put Adam and Eve on as the first two people in this world. After that it is different, Darwin’s theory and The Gastraea Theory become true. The Gastraea theory says you have to go through the impregnation stage to make more offspring’s which is true, and Darwin’s theory says that natural selection, which is a survival aid to live, and for the newer the generation the more they become adapted to the environment.
The favorite part of this project was researching all the different theories of evolution, I never knew that there would be that many to find. A lot of the theories were really interesting too. But I still believe that the theory of god creating earth and Adam and Eve, the Gastraea theory that says that you have to go through the impregnation stage to have more offspring’s and Darwin’s theory that says that as generation moves on you become more and more adapted to the environment that you are in by genetics.